New! Working Paper: Reflections on Two Years of Russia-Ukraine Conflict by Antonio Celso Ribeiro Brasiliano and Décio Luís Schons

Working Paper # 02 2024 – LabGRIMA UFPEL
Reflections on Two Years of Russia-Ukraine Conflict
“With the dissolution of the USSR in 1991, some 3,000 Soviet nuclear weapons were left behind on Ukrainian territory, making Ukraine the third largest nuclear power on the planet.
For a significant number of Ukrainian politicians and strategists, the way forward was to keep at least part of this arsenal in Ukraine to deter the expansionist ambitions of the heirs to the Russian empire once the crisis was over.”(…)
⏹ Antonio Celso Ribeiro Brasiliano, PhD in International Security from Cambridge International University, President of Brasiliano INTERISK.
⏺ Décio Luís Schons, Army General (Retired), Vice President of Brasiliano INTERISK.

It is with great satisfaction that LabGRIMA and GeoMercosur offer the academic community and the general public a reflection on the themes related to our lines of research.
Using a geopolitical approach, the articles in this Working Papers Collection provide important reflections on the dynamic contemporary capitalist scenario and its impact on international relations, Latin America and the world economy.
LabGRIMA and GeoMercosur act as promoters in the analysis of international reality at the present time, bringing together national and international researchers.
⬇ English Editon/Edição em Português