New Policy Brief #18 “Brazil in Focus: Would It Be Prepared for Cyberattacks?” by Mirele Thurmer Kuhn

“What are the impacts of cyberattacks on critical infrastructures in Brazil? It is understood that critical infrastructures are composed of systems that provide essential services to society and act in the most diverse areas that structure the national order. It is necessary to identify protection failures and produce effective solutions to resist attacks, since Brazil is a very digitized country, which increases its exposure to attacks and highlights the vulnerability of Brazilian cybersecurity systems, being one of the main targets of cybercriminals, and the insufficiency of information about the threats and losses of breaches.”
🔻 Mirele Thurmer Kuhn. Bachelor’s degree in International Relations from the Federal University of Pelotas. Member of the Laboratory of Geopolitics, International Relations and Antisystemic Movements (LabGRIMA).
🔳 The Policy Brief is produced in partnership with the International Institute of Geopolitics and Security Intelligence (IIGSI/USA), the Centre for Studies on Geopolitics and Foreign Affairs (CENEGRI/Brazil) and the Laboratory of Geopolitics, International Relations and Antisystemics Movements (LabGRIMA/Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil).
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