New Policy Brief #19 “Russian Strategies and Brazilian Potential in Africa” by Juan Ramirez

“What lessons can Brazil and its companies learn from Russia’s African strategy? The 1st Russia-Africa Summit (2019) highlighted Russia’s plans to establish a holistic approach to African countries. The increasing presence of Moscow on the continent, along with the success of the second summit in 2023, points to the effectiveness of its anti-systemic strategies. Brazil should closely observe Russia’s approach to Africa, as both countries face economic challenges in competing with other powers, have the potential to exercise cultural diplomacy in Africa, and share similar ideas and values with African nations.”
🔻 Juan Ramirez. Graduate student in International Relations at the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), Brazil. Research member at the Laboratory of Geopolitics, International Relations and Antisystemic Movements (LabGRIMA), UFPel.
🔳 The Policy Brief is produced in partnership with the International Institute of Geopolitics and Security Intelligence (IIGSI/USA), the Centre for Studies on Geopolitics and Foreign Affairs (CENEGRI/Brazil) and the Laboratory of Geopolitics, International Relations and Antisystemics Movements (LabGRIMA/Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil).

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