New Policy Brief #20 “Geoeconomic and Geopolitical Importance of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates Joining BRICS Plus (2024)” by Mateus Santos.

What are the geopolitical and geoeconomic benefits of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates joining BRICS?
“What are the geopolitical and geoeconomic benefits of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates joining BRICS? As one of the outcomes of the XV Summit involving the original member countries of the multilateral initiative in Johannesburg (2023), the approval of an expansion policy with consequences for advancing its influence in the Arab World culminated in consolidating a rapprochement movement between the two largest regional economies and some of the leading exponents of the emerging world. The entry of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates into BRICS Plus assumes a geostrategic character at different levels because both states have tendencies for global projection, are crucial in building a new global economic-financial order and are undergoing modernization of their main socioeconomic and institutional structures.”

🔻 Mateus Santos. PhD Candidate in History at Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), Brazil. Research member at the Laboratory of Geopolitics, International Relations and Antisystemic Movements (LabGRIMA), UFPel.
🔳 The Policy Brief is produced in partnership with the International Institute of Geopolitics and Security Intelligence (IIGSI/USA), the Centre for Studies on Geopolitics and Foreign Affairs (CENEGRI/Brazil) and the Laboratory of Geopolitics, International Relations and Antisystemics Movements (LabGRIMA/Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil).
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