Categoria: Blog


The Houthis may have checkmated Biden in Red Sea standoff by Murtaza Hussain

The hardened Yemeni rebel force can’t be deterred without risky and costly U.S. escalations.

21 de janeiro de 2024 0

Taiwan — eleições e renovadas coreografias de ameaças chinesas por Paulo Antônio Pereira Pinto

“Em caso de ataque aéreo, permaneça calmo”, assim recomendava o convite, no ano 2000, por ocasião da posse do líder independentista Chen Shui-Bian, eleito como a “maior autoridade na ilha Taiwan”. Na condição de Diretor do Escritório Comercial, em Taipé, recebi a nota de cortesia com a advertência de que, durante a cerimônia, poderia haver…
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13 de janeiro de 2024 0

Inevitability of the African Century? Afro-Asian Infrastructure and Transport Corridors by Lorenzo Somigli

The world has undergone a profound transformation, and a new geopolitical phase has started. The edges of the Rimland (Ukraine, Balkans, Caucasus, Middle East, Myanmar, western Indian subcontinent, sporadically Central Asia and possibly Korean peninsula) is on fire; something momentous is about to happen.  While Eurasia hindered, African people must be able to seize the opportunity…
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13 de janeiro de 2024 0

North Korea fires artillery shells towards South’s border island

North Korea has fired more than 200 rounds of artillery shells off its west coast, towards the South’s Yeonpyeong island, Seoul’s military has said.

7 de janeiro de 2024 0

New! Policy Brief Report 2023

“Throughout the year, our international analysts, who are researchers with backgrounds in various fields, have dedicated themselves to the in-depth study of these issues, providing an in-depth view of current challenges. (…) The relevance of the Policy Brief Report 2023 goes beyond the academic realm, as it also serves as a reliable guide for understanding…
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28 de dezembro de 2023 0

Feliz Natal e Próspero 2024

28 de dezembro de 2023 0

Revista Intellector 20 anos: Chamada para Artigos

Revista Intellector comemora 20 anos

8 de dezembro de 2023 0

Intellector 20 years: Call for papers

Intellector Journal celebrates 20years.

8 de dezembro de 2023 0

(Promise of) The AI: Multilateralism as an answer to the dual use Technology by Anis H. Bajrektarevic

The international community should rather energetically and urgently work on a new social contract to tackle new technologies and their disruptive potentials. It is particularly related to artificial intelligence (AI) that must be deployed safely and in conformity with a globally shared ethical standard.

3 de dezembro de 2023 0